LiveAgendas and LiveMeetingMinutes are enhanced versions of the official Meeting Agendas and Meeting Minutes.
Each Agenda item, Discussion, Comment, Motion, etc., has been turned into a clickable link. With a single click you can watch any part of the meeting. The video will start at exactly the point where an Agenda item or discussion or comment happened.
LiveAgendas and LiveMeetingMinutes are opinion-free. They are ordinary pdfs; they can be downloaded and attached to emails.
2/9/2021 Two Special Northfield Township Board meetings in One LiveTimeline (Manager Aynes walks the plank)
2/9/2021 Northfield Township Board 6:00pm and 6:00pm Special Board Zoom meetings LiveTimeline - Aynes walks the plank
1/27/2021 Northfield Township DDA Zoom meeting LiveTimeline
1/26/2021 Northfield Township Board Zoom meeting
1/20/2021 Northfield Township Planning Commission Zoom meeting
1/19/2021 Northfield Township ZBA Zoom meeting
1/12/2021 Northfield Township Board Zoom meeting
1/06/2021 Northfield Township Planning Commission Zoom meeting
12/17/2020Northfield Township Board Zoom special meeting
12/16/2020Northfield Township Planning Commission Zoom meeting
12/08/2020Northfield Township Board Zoom meeting
12/02/2020Northfield Township Planning Commission Zoom meeting
11/24/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Zoom meeting 
11/18/2020 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting 
11/04/2020 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting 
10/27/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting 
8/11/2020 Northfield Township Board meeting on VideoNorthfield LiveTimeline. Agenda items are a single click away.
7/30/2020 Meet the Northfield Township Board Candidates LiveForum
3/17/2020 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda - the first post awareness of COVID-19 meeting
2/25/2020 Northfield Township Board Town Hall LiveTimeline [this will be revised. count on it]
2/25/2020 Northfield Township Board full meeting LiveTimeline
2/25/2020 Northfield Township Board Trial of Sam Iaquinto LiveTimeline
2/11/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveTimeline
1/14/2020 Town Hall LiveTimeline
1/7/2020 LiveTimeline: Northfield Township Board special meeting about the North Village Tract Housing bidders
12/18/2019 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveTimeline
12/18/2019 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
11/26/2019 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveTimeline - A Township marijuana business application process was approved at this Board meeting. Sewer backups, the Township Audit, pushback and pullback from Marijuana business offers to buy 75 Barker Road, where the only Downtown parking dwells, Supervisor Chockley's attempts to hurry the conversion of the North Village park property into a 20% Park, 80% bullshit monument to short sightedness and the primacy of personal ambition over Public Good. The low point of the meeting was the Board vote to plunder Kiwanis coffers by forcing Kiwanis to pay for mass zoning, building, and fire department inspections of less than fifty nonviable conifers displayed for sale in the 75 Barker Road parking lot.
11/20/2019 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
11/12/2019 Board Meeting LiveTimeline - The Township marijuana ordinances were approved at this unusually contentious Board meeting. About 250 moments of interest are linked to with unapologetically undisciplined editing.
10-8-2019 Northfield Township Board of Trustees, 7:00PM Regular Session LiveMinutes
9-24-2019 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveMinutes
3-20-2019 Northfield Township Planning Commiission meeting LiveAgenda - Public Hearings: Marijuana Ordinance, Sign Ordinance, LittleFish
5-21-2018 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals meeting LiveAgenda - HD and CC
Here's the video: You'll notice that LiveAgenda type links - to all items on the Agenda - are in the description under the Youtube video window.
5-16-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
5-8-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda - under construction
5-2-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda - under construction
4-24-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda - under construction
4-18-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
4-10-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 7:00pm meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
4-10-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 6:00pm meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
4-4-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
3-27-2018 Tetra Tech Presentation: Costs of Sewer Services Study Video (links in comment section)
3-27-2018 7:00 pm Northfield Township Board regular meeting LiveAgenda
3-27-2018 6:30 pm Northfield Township Board special meeting LiveAgenda (Featuring Dockett)
3-21-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
3-13-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 7:00pm regular meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
3-13-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 6:00pm special meeting LiveAgenda - HD and Close Captioned
Watch the 3-7-2018 Planning Commission meeting here - in HD and Close Captioned.
- The 3-7 Planning Commission LiveAgenda is under construction.
2-27-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 700PM meeting LiveAgenda - in HD and Close Captioned.
Watch the 2-21-2018 Planning Commission meeting here - in HD and Close Captioned.
- The 2-21-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda is under construction.
Watch the 2-13-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees here - HD and Close Captioned.
- The 2-13 Board of Trustees LiveAgenda is under construction.
2-8-2018 Northfield Township Land Preservation Committee meeting LiveAgenda
2-7-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
1-23-2018, 7:00pm Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
1-23-2018, 6:30pm Northfield Township Board of Trustees Special meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
1-17-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
1-9-2018 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
12-12-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
12-06-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
11-28-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
11-15-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
11-14-2017 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda [CC]
10-24-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees & Planning Commission Joint Session LiveAgenda [CC]
10-18-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [Close Captioned!]
10-16-2017 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing LiveAgenda [CC]
10-10-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda [CC]
9-26-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda: Land Preservation Committee Presentation
9-20-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
9-12-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- Treasurer Lenore Zelenock's presentation on the Property Tax highlighted the 9/12 meeting.
9-6-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
8-29-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
8-21-2017 Northfield Township ZBA meeting LiveAgenda (under construction)
8-16-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
8-15-2017 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda
7-25-2017 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda [Ugly and still under construction]
7-19-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [corrected link! oops!]
7-11-2017 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda (Budget discussions finished)
6-27-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 6:30PM Special Meeting LiveAgenda [Lt Greene placed on unpaid leave]
6-27-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
6-13-2017 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda (complete)
6-7-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
5-30-2017 Northfield Township Manager candidate 2nd interviews LiveAgenda
5-23-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Regular and Closed Session LiveAgenda
5-16-2017 Day 1 of the Northfield Township Manager candidate interviews LiveAgenda
5-17-2017 Day 2 of the Northfield Township Manager candidate interviews LiveAgenda
5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees regular meeting LiveAgenda
5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees special meeting LiveAgenda "Wayne Walks Out"
5-4-2017 Northfield Township Board or Trustees special meeting LiveAgenda
5-3-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
4-25-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
4-19-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
4-11-2017 Northfield Township Board meeting LiveAgenda (complete)
4-5-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
3-28-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees joint PC meeting LiveAgenda
3-14-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda [under construction]
2-28-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
2-14-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
Coming soon:
the skipped Board meetings
After that
the skipped Planning Commission meetings
After that
the ZBA meeting
Sorry about the delay, folks. I have asked for volunteers to help prepare these. It's not that difficult but
it is time consuming.
12-27-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting - Cancelled
12-21-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting - Cancelled
12-19-2016 Northfield Township ZBA meeting - Cancelled
12-13-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
12-7-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda is under construction
11-22-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting - Cancelled
11-21-2016 Northfield Township ZBA meeting - Cancelled
11-16-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting - Cancelled
11-2-1016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
the 10-25-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda is under construction
10-19-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
10-11-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
10-5-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting - Cancelled
9-27-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
9-21-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
9-13-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
9-7-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
9-7-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees special meeting LiveAgenda
8-23-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
8-17-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission discussion of Agenda Item 10-D LiveTranscript
8-17-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
8-15-2016 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals LiveAgenda
8-9-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
8-3-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
7-26-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees workshop meeting LiveAgenda
7-20-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
7-18-2016 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals meeting LiveAgenda (under construction)
7-12-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
7-6-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
6-28-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
6-22-2016 Northfield Township Meet the Candidates
6-15-2016 Northfield Township Planning Comission meeting LiveAgenda
6-14-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
5-24-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees workshop meeting LiveAgenda
5-18-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda.
5-16-2016 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals LiveAgenda
5-10-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
5-04-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission Meeting with Arvin Sango LiveAgenda
5-02-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Special meeting LiveAgenda
4-26-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
4-20-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
4-12-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
4-6-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
4-6-2016 Northfield Township Board Special Meeting LiveAgenda
3-31-2016 Northfield Township Board Special Meeting LiveTranscript (complete transcript of the Van Curler property purchase discussion)
3-31-2016 Northfield Township Board Special Meeting LiveAgenda
3-29-2016 Northfield Township Board - Planning Commission Joint Session LiveAgenda
3-21-2016 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) LiveAgenda
3-16-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
3-15-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
3-02-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission Biltmore Discussion LiveTranscript
3-02-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
2-23-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Workshop LiveAgenda
2-17-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission Meeting LiveAgenda
2-09-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
2-03-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
1-26-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Workshop LiveAgenda
- PC Appointments
- McKenna Associates Hired as Planner
1-20-2016 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
- PC refuses to elect Officials until Trustees appoint or reappoint expired PC members.
- PC bakes in 80+ degree heat.
- Manager Fink is a no-show.
- Planner DuMouchel outclasses her detractors.
1-12-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- Trustee Chick says that McKenna Associates had always been the PC's first choice for Planner
- Trustee Chick says she doesn't know why the Board selected Beckett & Raeder as Planner
12-16-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
- Northfield Preserve, Bylaws, Applications for 2 PC appointments
12-08-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveMeetingMinutes
- Public hearing about the Whitmore Lake Road Special Assessment District.
12-08-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveBackstory (coming soon)
12-02-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
- Bylaws, Webster Township Master Plan, RTM, Lake home zoning conformity
11-24-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- Sewers, MDOT bridges, Final Year goals for Board
11-18-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
- Bylaws, RTM amendment
11-10-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- Public Hearing: Whitmore Lake Road Special Assessment District for Sewers
10-27-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- Wayne Dockett spills the beans on the "big, big" real estate purchase being discussed in closed session
10- 21-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
10-21-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveMeetingMinutes
10-13-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
10-07-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
10-07-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveTranscript
9-22-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveMeetingMinutes
9-22-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- Discussion of Survey and Planner's Analysis
9-16-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveMeetingMinutes
9-16-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
- Planner's analysis of the 1996 & 2010 Surveys
Cobalt Survey discussion postponed
9-08-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda.
- Wayne walks out and meeting loses its quorum. Was this 32 minute meeting the shortest ever?
8-25-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveMeetingMinutes
8-25-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveAgenda
- $8416 payment to Cobalt is discovered
8-19-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveMeetingMinutes
8-19-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
- Huron River Watershed Council Reports on Green Infrastructure
8-05-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveMeetingMinutes
- Stanalajzco orders Minutes decontented
- Discussion of Meeting Minutes format
- During consideration of the July 15 Minutes, Dignan rewrites the July 15 Motion in which the PC voted Beckett & Raeder 2nd Choice as Planner. The rewording made the July 15th motion appear to name Beckett & Raeder an alternate equal choice to McKenna Associates, ie, to agree with Chick's July 28th statement to the Board regarding the PC's preference.
- StAmour of Cobalt defends 3rd draft of survey
7-28-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveMeetingMinutes
- PC Liason Chick reports that PC voted neither McKenna Associates nor Beckett & Raeder as 1st choice.
- Board selects as the new Planning consultant, the firm of Beckett & Raeder
- Wayne Dockett objects to Chick's reporting of the PC's July 15th actions.
7-15-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveMeetingMinutes
- PC votes to select McKenna as 1st choice for Planner
- PC votes to select Beckett & Raeder as 2nd choice for Planner
7-14-2015 Northfield Township Board of Trustees LiveMeetingMinutes
- Joint Session to Interview Candidates for Planner
7-01-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveMeetingMinutes
- Cobalt presents objectives, Discussion of Carlisle-Wortman resignation
3-04-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission (PC) LiveMeetingMinutes
- Whitmore Lake SAD & Biltmore's 1500 homes
11-11-2014 Northfield Township Board - Planning Commission Joint Meeting LiveMeetingMinutes
- Sewer Capacity Study
June 23, 2015 BoT - LiveMinutes (under construction)
June 9, 2015 BoT - LiveMinutes (under construction)
June 3, 2015 PC - LiveMinutes (under construction)
May 26, 2015 BoT - LiveMinutes (under construction)
May 20, 2015 PC - Green Workshop - LiveMinutes (under construction)
May 12, 2015 BoT - LiveMinutes (under construction)
May 6, 2015 PC - LiveMinutes (under construction)
April 28, 2015 BoT- LiveMinutes (under construction)
April 15, 2015 PC- LiveMinutes (under construction)
April 14, 2015 BoT - LiveMinutes (under construction)
3-04-2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission (PC) LiveMeetingMinutes
- Whitmore Lake SAD & Biltmore's 1500 homes
11-11-2014 Northfield Township Board - Planning Commission Joint Meeting LiveMeetingMinutes
- Sewer Capacity Study
Busy? If you've only got time to watch a few minutes of Township meetings, a LiveAgenda makes that possible.
What's a LiveAgenda? It is an enhanced PDF version of a published Township meeting Agenda. We copy the meeting video to the VideoNorthfield YouTube account. We watch the meeting, noting the time, relative to the beginning of the video, of each Agenda item, discussion, motion, Boardmember and public comment. Then we turn the PDF of the meeting Agenda into a meeting index. Each Agenda item, discussion, motions, and comment becomes a watchable link to the point in the online video where that item, discussion, motion, or comment transpired.
No context is lost. You are watching an ordinary YouTube window. To see what happened earlier or before, slide the scrubber leftward. Scrubbing right takes you further into the meeting video.
With a LiveAgenda, any part of the meeting is just a click away.
LiveAgendas and LiveMeetingMinutes are opinion-free. They are ordinary pdfs; they can be downloaded and attached to emails.
The fine print:
The functionality depends on YouTube's behavior on your computer, tablet, or phone. Youtube allows us to start videos at a time offset from the start of the video.
The video will play until you stop it or at the end of the video. Press your browser's Back button to return to viewing the LiveAgenda document. Then you can select another Agenda item to watch.
Some browsers may open the YouTube video in a separate tab or separate window. This can lead to a pile of meetings running simultaneously if you aren't scrupulous about closing, pausing, or stopping them after watching the snippets you've clicked. For reasons only YouTube understands, sometimes a video doesn't start in the correct place; it "resumes" at the point where you left off watching another snippet. When this happens, what usually fixes the problem is stopping all videos, closing the browser, and restarting.
We began this project with the August 5th Planning Commission meeting. We are working our way backward (and forward) from there, covering all the meetings that have happened since the attempt to undermine the Master Plan surfaced in 2014. We need volunteers to help document each meeting. What's required is that you watch a meeting in its youtube form and note when (approximately) each item or section of the Minutes begins. If you're interested, write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I'll set it up.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">