Going into tonight's discussion of the 8 or $9 million dollar sewer system decision, the powers that sneak provided only a 17 page packet.
- 2019-03-26-Northfield-Township-Board-of-Trustees-meeting-Agenda
- 2019-03-26-Northfield-Township-Board-of-Trustees-meeting-Packet
Our additions, from Township Attorney Paul Burns' January 8th report to the Board:
- 2018-12-05: Burns Opinion Summary of WWTP Legal Obligations - [BoT-packet-2019-01-08]
- 2018-12-05: Burns: Opinion only Summary of WWTP Legal Obligations - [BoT-packet-2019-01-08]
Also, this: a summation of 160 studies demonstrating the NET cost to communities of adding residential development:
Supervisor Chockley's power point presentation, not in the packet
Two huge items were added to the packet, literally the 3-26-2019 morning of this hugely impactful board meeting.
What's in this late addition? We've made it easy to read the items:
- 2019-03-26 Aynes: BOT Late packet addendum cover letter [2019-03-26 Addendum p01-p01]
2019-03-25 Aynes Otto: email Lyon Township Comparable Sewer Costs [2019-03-26 Addendum p43-p43]
- 2019-03-23 Rubel-Aynes: email Tetra Tech memo re violation section 9 MDEQ expectations to treat p2 [2019-03-26 Addendum p02-p02]
- 2019-03-20 Mann-Aynes: email bond questions answered [2019-03-26 Addendum p11-p11]
- 2019-03-20-Aynes-memo-recommending-conventional-lying-about-tank-cost [2019-03-26 Addendum p30-p31]
- 2019-03-19-Aynes-Rubel-email-cost-comparison-low-interest-loans [2019-03-26 Addendum p22-p23]
- 2019-03-18-Aynes-Otto-Burns-Willis-Rubel-gabfest [2019-03-26 Addendum p24-p28]
- 2019-03-18 Mann-Aynes: email re sewers financing [2019-03-26 Addendum p12-p12]
- 2019-03-18 Miller-Canfield: Memo Steps to Finance [2019-03-26 Addendum p13-p15]
- 2019-03-18 Miller-Canfield: Sample Resolution Declaring Intent to Issue Bonds [2019-03-26 Addendum p16-p19]
- 2019-03-11-Bendzinski-Memo-Debt-Service-Calculations-and-Table [2019-03-26 Addendum p32-p35]
- 2019-03-05 MDEQ MiWaters permit violations [2019-03-26 Addendum p05-p07]
- 2019-02-25-Aynes-Garden-City-Water-Bill [2019-03-26 Addendum p29-p29]
- 2019-02-24 Chick-Rubel: email exchange [2019-03-26 Addendum p09-p10]
- 2019-02-13 Rubel-Aynes: email Tetra Tech Memo 2018 AMP Progress [2019-03-26 Addendum p08-p08]
- 2018-12-05-Burns-Township-Atty-Summary-Township-Legal-Obligations-re-WWTP [2019-03-26 Addendum p36-p42]
- 2014-08-14 Township Permit No MI0023710 with section 9 MDEQ expectations to treat 3 [2019-03-26 Addendum p03-p04]
- 2008-04-08 Northfield Township Notice for Public Indebtedness Ordinance Division 5 Sec 2 272 [2019-03-26 Addendum p20-p21]
On the Township website:
Apparently, the Draft 2019 Master Plan has replaced the Master Plan currently in effect.
No matter, Northfield Township's 2012 Master Plan is viewable as a slideshow here on SlideShare. You can download the 2012 Master Plan here. Did you know we invested over $35,183 making that plan?
It's been slightly revised; I'll dig up the links.
Since the old Master Plan has been replaced, here's our new Municipal Service Expansion Policy, on page 35
Municipal Service Expansion Policies
The Township has made a significant investment in building the capacity, quality and reliability of the sewer systemsto serve existing areas of the Township. In 2015, the Township commissioned the Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP) Capacity Evaluation Report to study the capital needs of the existing sanitary collection system and identifyimprovements necessary at the wastewater treatment plant to meet expected growth. The Report recommends theconstruction of an equalization basin to store and equalize peak wastewater flows. In the interim, the Township hasincreased the sewer tap fees for businesses that were not previously identified. For future municipal service expansion,it is recommended that the Township carefully consider the following general guidelines:
1. In order to promote orderly growth within the Township, only areas adjacent to and contiguous to the currentmunicipal service boundary should be considered as the preferred area for expansion of services. The“leapfrogging” of Township areas to provide municipal services which create an island of services within theTownship should be strongly disfavored. The idea of contiguous development requires that municipal servicesexpand from one fully-developed area to the next adjacent area.
2. The Township shall implement the resulting policy of the 2015 capacity study. Any expansion shall be bound bycapital improvements needs identified in that study.
3. Where expansion of facilities is proposed the Township should follow the recent practice of passing the costs ofexpansion on to those reaping the benefits of that expansion through special assessment districts, REU charges,and other similar mechanisms.
4. As a part of this policy, the Township should adopt a formal municipal service expansion procedure. In addition tothe general policies, municipal sewer service should not be extended beyond those areas planned for mediumdensity residential.