1/13/2021 MDOT seeking public comments on US-23 Flex Route extension through Feb. 4, Report by Jennifer Timar, The Livingston Daily
MDOT University Region Planner Kari Martin said there will also be new 10-foot wide sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists on M-36 and Silver Lake Road over the highway. The sidewalks will be built on both sides of the roads and through the roundabouts.
MDOT environmental and noise supervisor Tom Hanf said that while MDOT found 17 locations along the route that could benefit from noise barriers, only one barrier is planned near the southbound US-23 ramp on the northwest corner of the I-96 interchange, which is north of where the flex route will end.
He said the other 16 barriers would cost too much. If a barrier is estimated to cost $49,878 or more, MDOT does not build it, Hanf said.
Some bridge maintenance work is also planned for two overpasses on Grand River Avenue and the Lee Road bridge, and two bridges over the Huron River will be modified, but no overpasses will be replaced.
7/27/2020 US-23 Flex Route Phase 2 Operational and Environmental Study
Plans, data and documents presented at the 7/27 virtual Public Meeting
Undated but containing the invitation to the 7/27/2020 public meeting: Newsletter: US-23 Flex Route Phase 2
Our reports on the original 9 mile stretch of Flex Route:
11/9/2016 MDOT Presents US-23 Flexible Route Plans in November 9th Session
- Our photos of the poster session artwork. Most of these were never made available on MDOT's website.
11/12/2015 MDOT US-23 Aesthetic Concepts Open House
MDOT showed off its proposals in a two hour poster session on the second floor of the Public Safety Building. Hundreds attended. About a dozen MDOT engineers and administrators were present to answer questions and take comments from the very interested public.
Maps, bridge and overpass renderings and elevations, schematics of the 9 mile mile route showing locations of proposed changes were presented in posters.
Proposals for landscaping plantings were presented. The Township was asked to contribute to the cost of landscaping but our perpetually broke Township didn't follow up on the offer. So, except for a few annuals having been planted, no landscaping occured. The annuals died, as annuals do.
Our photos of the poster session are presented as links. This was to allow those limited in internet download speeds and by data plans to download only what they could afford.
The photos are literally frames of 1080P, taken with a handheld video camera as I walked in front of the posters. The Public Safety Building 2nd floor lighting was terrible.
A year later, online versions of these pieces of poster art had still not been made available by MDOT or Parsons, its agent handling this.
So this was it.
4/15/2021 US-23 Anti-Congestion Project Wins Local Go-Ahead
2/23/2015 MDOT's 2015 US-23 Plan Update
8/14/2014 MDOT's 2014 US-23 Plan Update
MDOT Flexroute 23 concept illustrations [ These are the same drawings shown for the initial 9 mile stretch of US-23 Flex Route.]
Public Comment Form: US-23 Flex Route Extension Project