Ted Koppel Truth Quote1 688w320h


Chip Smith won the race for Ann Arbor's 5th Ward City Council seat.

This is not as irrelevant as it seems.  At the July 14, 2015 interviews of potential Northfield Township Planning Consulants, Chip Smith was the spokesman for applicant Wade-Trim, a Detroit Based Planning Firm.


More reports on Ann Arbor area elections:

MLive: Ann Arbor election recap: Lumm wins, 2 new faces ready to join council, Ryan Stanton, 11-4-2015

MLive: A look at voter turnout in Ann Arbor and surrounding areas in Tuesday's election, Ryan Stanton, 11-4-2015

MLive: Scio Township approves new transit tax to expand AAATA bus service, Ryan Stanton, 11-4-2015

Scio Township voters went to the polls on Tuesday and voted by a 2-to-1 margin to approve a 0.36-mill transit tax that will fund three new bus routes into the township, plus dial-a-ride services.  In addition to the route on Jackson Road, there will be two other routes along Liberty Road and Scio Church Road.

MLive: Lumm defeats Petersen in 2nd Ward Ann Arbor council race, Ryan Stanton, 11-4-2015