What was the April 23rd Board meeting? A Pot Party. They couldn't stop talking about it and hung around, like unwanted guests, until 12:15 in the morning.
In a nutshell, this is how it ended up: As a result of Board votes modifying the Planning Commission's and Professional Planner's efforts, you can't buy marijuana in the retail area.
This is a slight correction from an earlier version of this report. The Board voted to prevent Marijuana Microbusinesses in the Agricultural area. Those are small businesses that both grow and sell marijuana. Larger scale grows are permitted, Lobbyist backed Corporate behemoths, Big Tobacco Bigfoots, Deep pockets and dark money, etc. But not small mom and pop type enterprises, the kind that built America. You can guess where I'm going with this so I'll stfu.
The highest concentration of township population now can't walk to a pot shop. They can't walk home from the pot shop. They're forced into their cars and onto the highways. If there were any truth to the fearmongering that mass quantities of pot buyers will be ripped out of their minds every time they hop behind the wheel, our board's selfishness has consigned people and innocents to their deaths.
- Does cognitive dissonance come any purer than that?
Marijuana was voted Legal by 68% and 69% majorities in the two precincts comprising Whitmore Lake. The Board sighed and looked concerned. "Someone else can do something," they said. "Everybody's doing it," they said. "Nobody's doing it," they said. "Ann Arbor," they said.
WHMI's Reporter sat through the entire grind. Here is his report.
Oh yeah, for standing up for her convictions and belief in the goodness of human nature - and in the rights of citizens to freedom of choice and personal responsibility, what "Conservatives" constantly yammer about believing in, Trustee Janet Chick deserves notice and commendation.
She brought in two young businesspeople to explain and present the successful free enterprise side of the legal marijuana business, their business. They did an outstanding job. So did a former director of the State's Licensing and Regulatory agency with whom they had worked, who talked about the details and policy implications.
More than one of the churchgoers who so loudly inveighed against legalization's arrival was utterly unaware that more than half a dozen prospective legal marijuana businesses have already been rebuffed by the township.
No one's banging down the doors to site here. Why would they? Everything the township voters decide the Board overules, spins, "interprets," or "improves" to death, mangled beyond recognition or walled in by byzantine regulation.
I'll be reviving the LiveAgenda. This meeting must be seen to be believed.