Compare the candidate answers to Moderator and Boardmember questions side by side. Click the candidate names below the question to view their answers on VideoNorthfield. This fabulous 21st century technology is a Northfield Neighborhood Today exclusive feature.
Candidate Introductions:
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 1
The Boardmembers have reviewed your resume. The Board would like you to begin by giving an overview of your education and experience as it relates to the Township Manager position and why you're interested in this posistion.
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 2
The citizens of Northfield Township are diverse and are very involved in this community with many different perspectives. Have you ever been in a position where two people wanted you to take opposite positions on the same subject. If so, what was the subject? How did you handle it and what was the outcome?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 3
What do you consider to be the biggest challenges and opportunities that Northfield Township is facing?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 4
What do you see as the role of Township Government in keeping the cost of government down while providing essential services to residents?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 5
What specific employment experiences have demonstrated to you that you would be a capable Township Manager?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 6
Think of a job that you held where your goals were not clearly defined. What did you do about it?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 7
Describe a situation working in a group or team where there was interpersonal conflict. How did you approach the conflict and what worked, what didn't work, and how did you manage the outcome?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Moderator Question 8
When you've entered a new workplace in the past, as a manager or supervisor, describe how you've gone about meeting and developing relationships with your new coworkers, supervisors, and reporting staff.
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Trustee Questions
Can you give a specific example of when you made a decision that benefited the taxpayers that was contrary to the direction the Board wanted to go?
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |
Candidate Final Statement
Each candidate was given time for a final statement. Updated 5-30 for the two final candidates, Aynes and Clair
Steven Aynes | Ann Capela | Matthew Miller | Lianne Clair | Patrick Jordan |